Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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hiya tootsies

I am still uploading those charms.. LOL.. as I unwrap each one, I get all excited again and it makes it worth the effort..LOL.  Check out the Barbecue.. it has teeny tiny hamburgers on it! LOL.. that is SO me.  I have added the empty bottles to my site which has the felt tip dauber where you can put your gamsol, or odorless mineral spirits.. you can put a WASH in there, bleach.. you name it, you can put it in there.. hope that helps (I have been getting requests!).. what else?  hmm.. I have been working on some backgrounds.. so you will see them trickle in, along with THE COOLEST sentiments.. I didn’t even announce this one, but people found it!  I LOVE it (and the font).. so more in that style is coming throughout the week.. I will try to make my announcements!

Here’s a card that our very own Nickabella made.. I LOOOOOVE IT!!!  It’s using the new Bella reverse polky dot background


let me know if you lovey?

[photopress image=”polkydotcard_001.jpg”]

signing off..

Roger 10-4



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  1. that is a way cool polky dot background. love it, baby!! and…those tiny bbq’s are also da bomb. love the teeny hamburgers (i’m sure those one have NO calories 🙂 ). can’t wait to see more, more, more!!!

  2. can you hear that?!

    the charms are now calling my name! i have never used charms so i thought they were actually calling on someone else… nope! it is me.

    love the polky dots as well!

    you rock EM!

  3. Loving the charms, Em! And with the chinese takeout and the Sushi charms ya got me wondering… will there be a bella revealed to match these babies? Yummalicious!

  4. I was wondering the same thing as Tarabella – if some of those charms are hints of bellas to come!!!! LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE the charms!! I want them all!!!

  5. Oh my GOSH! Em’s charms are to DIE for too! I have some already and just added a TON more to my cart! YEAH! These are YUMMY!

    More Bellas/Fellas on the way this weeky too?

  6. oh I love the saying Like is how you Bake it…..does that mean a baking bella is on the way????????

  7. Hi Cindy,
    sorry about that.. the size is there now! Thanks for letting me know. It is 1.75″ high by 4 inches wide

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