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happy birthday to my hubba hubba

today is Ryan’s birthday.. actually was…  numbah 35… I still remember when we were 20 and I was fixed up on a blind date with the CUTEST boy you ever did see…. I remember remember the party, the games, especially the dares for truth or dare we’d played and which were so eventful. 15 years later, he is that same boy  who picked me up for our first date (and was a little late–why can’t I forget that?).. my girlfriend fixed us up and came on our first date with us.. I knew right then and there that he was “THE ONE”… Ok I am gonna tell you about our first date (even though I may bore you to death)..He picked me up (not as late) and we went to the most amazing coffee/sandwich place (didn’t expect so much then-boy have things changed!)  so we sit down and we are talking up a storm and all of a sudden I see his jaw drop.. I am wondering what is going on and sure enough what do I see/feel?  His jaw dropped cuz as we were talking I was crossing my legs under the table cloth.. as I was crossing my legs, I caught onto the tablecloth and started pulling it off the table.  Along with the ginormous sandwich AND.. yes AND.. a huge scalding cappucino.. all over my lap… I WAS SO EMBARASSED at being such a klutz.. Ryan IMMEDIATELY jumped up and told me he had a spare pair of pants in his trunk (didn’t think to ask why..LOL) and he said he would go get them for me to change since I was BURNT and had alfalfa sprouts all over my pants… Ok so NOW.. the panic set in… Sistahs.. do you know why???? I WAS PETRIFIED that his pants WOULDN’T FIT!!!! What if they didn’t?  that’s it if they didn’t, he would TOTALLY never ask me out again.. I was suffering sistahs.. really suffering.. So he brings me the pants.  Black DRESS pants.. he put them in my hands and told me to go change.. OMG.. I wanted to spill more COFFEE and WINE all over the pants so I wouldn’t have to change.. but I couldn’t cuz he was watching my every move…. So I go to the bathroom.. hold my breath and HOPE for the best…. whaddya think happened?!?!?!?!?  THEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY FITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT and were even a little loose (loose?  what’s that?  those were the days.. hmph). So of course I strut right out of the bathroom dramatically repeating to him over and over again that the pants are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO big on me (while I hold in my tummy and pull the pants forward so he can see just HOW big they were on me.. LOLOL!)… Well, it was love ever since.  Hope I didn’t bore you.

Of course I am a little guilty too as I didnt make or buy a card for him.. so this is my tribute to my love… Happy birthday  to my fella!

So lets have a little contest… Let’s forget about stamping for a second (ok not for that long) and tell the sistahs about your first dates with your significant others or any other funny stories you would like to share!  I love to listen to this stuff!  It will be a great prize of course.. to be discussed… I also owe for the last contest so I will send that out too!

I am SO EXCITED to hear the stories? DId you “MWAH” or not? LOLOL

Mwah to da sistahs

love you muchly


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  1. Em,
    Not sure where you wanted us to post our stories but I’ll start here…
    I was at a church singles activity. During the day, I slipped on the grass and stained my jeans… BADLY. I was also kinda sweaty from being outside all day (gross, I know). In the evening there was supposed to be a dance and I was starting to panic that I did not look presentable AT ALL. So I left the activity and went to the local mall. I thought that a new hair cut would help me look cute and take the attention away from my stained clothes. *Fellow Sistahs- Never, I mean NEVER get a hair cut implusively. It will not turn out well! Trust me!* The lady who cut my hair thought it would be a good idea if she did this zig zaggy thing on the top of my head and bobby pin it to stay that way. By the time I left the mall, I didn’t have time (or any idea how) to fix my hair. So I go to the dance and a nice young man makes a bee line over to me and my friends. He asks me to dance. I had noticed him earlier and he is a GOOD dancer. I am not nor do I particularly enjoy dancing. (I was at this dance for the social aspect, not to dance. Again, silly, I know…) I told this young man that I did not want to dance with him. I told him to ask my friend. He did and they went out on the dance floor. Now I started to feel bad. I thought why on earth do I come to these things to meet people and then turn them away! ARGH! Thankfully this man came back and asked me to dance again and this time I said yes. A dance turned into a date and a few months later we got married. 🙂 We now have four kids and will be celebrating our 7th anniversary in June. 🙂

  2. DO I have a story for you. I hope you have room on your blog for this one. 😉

    We have to travel back to the 80’s – you remember the days of heavy metal, tight jeans, and BIG hair. 😀

    I was 15 and working in the mall and that is when I saw him. Long, bleach blonde hair, skin tight jeans – looked like they were painted on him, black leather boots, white tee, and a black leather vest. Total ROCKER! (Fella idea there;)) He walked (or should I say strutted) past my store in the mall looks me in the eye and says ever so cooly, “Fine don’t say Hi” and keeps walking. Now I have to tell you, EVERYONE in school knew of Leon. He was IT! There was no other guy cooler. Well the food court was just past my store so everyone had to walk by at some point while in the mall. So on his return trip he had one red rose, which he handed me as he walked by again. Around the rose I found a small note with only his name and number. I was scraed to death to call him. I mean I was only 15 and he was gorgeous and who knows how old. I never did call him but he came back the next day and waited for me to go on break and bought me dinner. 🙂 I was a nervous reck!!! Turns out he was 20!!! 5 year age difference back then meant jail time so we became BEST FRIENDS. I thought he looked at me like a little sis but I was head over heels in love with him. We did everything together….dinner, movies you name it – except date. He never even tried to kiss me. Bummer right! We were such good friends by the time age wasn’t a big deal I think we were too scared to screw up what we had. So I got married to a real jerk at 18 (BIG mistake) was married 6 years and had 4 awesome kiddos only good part of my marriage. While I was going through my divorce Leon was engaged. We remained friends throughout his marriage which also lasted 6 years – turns out his wife was cheating the last two years and moved out while he was on a fishing trip in Mexico. This time I was smart I had stayed single after my divorce. 🙂 So after 18 years of waiting, I FINALLY got to be with my very bestest friend in the whole wide world. On January 15, 2002 Leon asked me if I wanted to give this whole relationship thing a try. All I could do was cry….I finally said, I have been waiting 18 years for you to ask me out! We were married on May 30, 2004! I love him to death, my 4 kiddos love him to death and he loves them and now we are one BIG very goofy family!

    How is that for a crazy love story?!?!

  3. Aw Em, such a sweet story…well, except for spilling your drink in your lap:(
    Well…here’s my lil’ story about meeting my hubby…
    Our best friends were dating and kept telling each of us about the other and how we needed to meet. Well, at that point in my life I was really fed up with guys. I just turned 18 and my daughter was about to turn 2. One night in September (1991) my daughter and I spend the night at my best friends house. My friend and I fell asleep with make-up on…imagine how lovely that looks in the morning! We get woken up to a knock at the door. It’s her boyfriend. I answered the door while she took off running for the bathroom to pretty up. When I opened the door and saw that there was another guy I slammed to door shut and took off for the bathroom too…which she had locked and wouldn’t let me in, just in case Cory got a glimpse of her, ugh! I told her “Mike” was with Cory and she asked how’d I know it was him. I said well…you said he’s my type and well, that’s my type. So, the guys come in and I sit on her bed with my back to them totally embarassed:( I couldn’t look at Mike with my messy hair and black eyes (guess that’s what I get for not washing off my make-up before bed huh?). They left shortly after and I thought, wow…some first impression I just made, huh:( A few days passed and I went to the high school I just graduated from to guest speak about teen pregnancy. I didn’t drive so my mom dropped me off and I was to take the old school bus home. I come out to get on the bus and there’s my best friend honking her horn between two parked school buses. I’m like what the heck is she doing here (I moved my senior year and now lived 30 mins. from her). Anyhow, I get up to the car and she’s got my daughter in the car with her. I’m like what the heck is going on here? She said, I went to your house and got your mom’s spaghetti and chocolate chip cookie recipe…we’re cooking Cory and Mike dinner tonight and ya’ll are spending the night with me. Oh man I was putting up a fight. She packed me an overnight bag and her and my mom packed my daughter’s overnight bag too…she said it was a “done deal”. So off to her house we went. We had a nice dinner and had fun making cookies. When we were done cleaning up from dinner the two of the decided to go into another room…ugh… So, there I am with Mike (who doesn’t really have much to say) and my daughter watching 90210. I kept getting up and going into the room begging them to come out that, telling them that he wasn’t much of a conversationalist and I was running outta things to talk about. I was making my umpteenth trip to the bathroom and decided to peek around the corner and see how he was taking to my daughter. Just then, she walked up to him and said, “Mike tie shoe please”. He picked her up, set her next to him on the couch, put her lil’ foot on his leg and said sure come here I’ll tie it for you and he tied her shoe. My heart melted, I had tears in my eyes, and I knew right then and there…he was the one…he was the one I was going to marry. That night was 15 1/2 years ago. We married almost exactly 2 years later to that night. To go a little further on that…we never did have any children of our own. I had thought about having another child a few years into our marriage and talked to my husband about it and said, hunny don’t you want a child of your own? He said he has the one and only child he’s ever wanted… Isn’t he great?

  4. Loving these stories!!

    So, I met my husband at work, and I was living with another man at the time. I saw this new engineer and commented to his admin about how cute and YOUNG he was. She said, he can’t be that young, he has a master’s degree! Anyway, he and I became good friends, and would often grab lunch together. I even invited him on outings with me and my then boyfriend…and that’s where the trouble started. Oh yeah…and I was supposed to be helping this guy find a girlfriend!

    My boyfriend was a vegetarian, and so I sorta was one because he expected that. Now believe me, I am a TOTAL carnivore. I LOVE meat!! So, out to dinner with my then boyfriend and now hubby, hubby says “Jana, why aren’t you getting the chicken you usually get here?” Needless to say then boyfriend was not pleased.

    A few weeks later we were having a “Chili Cook-Off” at work, and I had entered a vegetarian chili into the contest. Now hubby is hanging out with me and says “I know how to get a girlfriend, I just have to tell {then boyfriend} that you’ve been eating meat, and then I can have you to myself!”

    It was probably only a month later that I told now hubby I was leaving then boyfriend, and less than a week after that he admitted he wanted to date me as soon as I was ready. He was worried someone else would get ot me first!!

    Ok…let me know when we’re doing engagement stories, because that one is even better…kindof a Friends thing, but happened a few years before Chandler popped the question!

  5. Ok I am LOOOOVING THIS!!! what great stories so far!!
    Now I would love to hear engagement too!!! keep em coming!

  6. i met my cute boyfriend online, of all places. almost 5 years ago, i was tired of seeing all those stupid yahoo personals ads all over the place. i clicked on one one day and figured what the heck. so i signed up for the free trial. well a few days later, i was checking my mail, and i got an instant message from some guy. we started chit chatting and ended up chatting for about 4 hours that night. we hit it off instantly (obviously, after 4 hours of chatting!) and ended up chatting the next day. and the next day. and the next day. soon we started emailing back and forth every day. after about two weeks of this, we had both sort of avoided the discussion of “meeting”. i decided it was time to branch out and give him my phone number. we were both so geeky and nervous (him being 35 and me being 31…i felt like i was in high school again!), but he called and we talked for a few hours. after the initial awkwardness, it was so comfortable, like talking to an old friend. well after about another week, the subject of meeting came up again. i was so against it cause i didn’t want to ruin the cool relationship we had going. but we did. i was kind of freaked out and wanted to meet in a public place so i had options if it all went bad (how lame am i!). so we ended up going to a baseball game. i made my brother and his wife go with us! we met out front and when i first saw him, i turned to my sister-in-law and said, oh my gosh, what if it’s that geek with the cheesy cop stash and the white socks and sandals?? well, turned out it was him!! i about died. so we go in, find our seats (which were separate, in case things went bad we could move down by my brother). we get some beer and sit down. no sooner had we been there than i go to take a drink and dump my entire beer all over the kid in front of me. i was horrified. kerry just laughed and we got the kid cleaned up. i didn’t want to stay there, so we moved down by my brother. they of course thought i hated kerry, since that was the signal if it was going bad! but it all turned out good. we started dating like 3-4 times a week. after about 6 months, we decided to move in together and the rest is history! that was almost 5 years ago. next week we are moving to our second house that we have bought and will finally get a dog! (that’s as close to marriage as we’ll get, i think!). i love him more than i ever thought possible!! and turns out, the whole socks and sandals thing was because he was doing a good deed right as he was leaving for the game to meet me and helped a guy with a flat tire and his shoe fell apart. so he just threw on the sandals and didn’t think about it until he was standing and waiting for me!!!

  7. Ok, mine isn’t very romantic, but it all turned out well 🙂

    I’ll try to make this short and to the point (good luck to ME!)

    I was dating my now husband’s cousin (and best friend). I called my boyfriend and he had to run upstairs so he put his cousin (my husband) on the phone to keep me company. Turns out, he was leaving the next day for 2 years in Germany for the army. He asked if he could have my address so he could have a pen pal. We wrote all the time! I kind of thought of him as a big brother (since I don’t have one) and I’d tell him all about my boyfriends (I was still in high school) I just thought of him as a good friend. My mama used to tease me that I’d probably be getting an engagement ring from him since he seemed to be falling for me. I laughed in her face (sorry, Mom!) We were JUST friends.

    Fast forward 2 years….

    He came home from Germany and had two weeks off before being sent to North Carolina for 2 more years. He invited me over to his house after I got off work (keep in mind, we’d only spent about 3 minutes talking to each other in person before this point!) I went to his house and his room was in the basement (of course!) and we talked for awhile….it was awkward since we really didn’t KNOW each other. Well, next thing I know, he’s leaning over to KISS me (MWAH me?!?) I was SOOO mad! I thought I was his FRIEND! I accused him of being a lonely soldier trying to take advantage of me and just wanting any girl to get himself satisfied, blah, blah, blah. I wasn’t very nice, but I was mad. I ran out of his house crying and stopped on the sidewalk. He ran after me and tried to appologize. Then, since I was crying so much, my contact fell out!!! I drove home and he called me the next day.

    Our first date: He drove me to the eye dr., bought me a new contact and then we went out to lunch (I remember what he ordered and where we sat — we still eat there.) Not very mushy, but 16 years later, we are still SO in love! Awww!

    Sorry about all the ‘( )’s.

  8. MY DH and I met at the bar on Friday, October 13th, 1989 and were engaged six months later (on Friday, April 13th). Our first real date… he picked me up and took me for a drink at Earls. Then we went to see “Lethal Weapon 2” and then caught up with his friends at Yuk Yuks.

  9. i met my husband on a blind date as well!
    my friend and i worked together and her husband and mine worked together too.
    most of the time when we go out for dinner on our anniversary we go to the same resturant and more often than not that couple goes with us too!

  10. Oh this is great, here goes:-

    My first date and now my hubby!!!! rang to ask me out and beating around the bush finally agree on a day we would get together. I spent the whole day panicking on what to wear (like you do!!!) borrowing my friends gear etc etc ended up wearing all my own!!! after shooting into town to see if I could buy something!!! He arrived at my house and – oh god – I still remember the embarrasment of it all – my mum dragged him into the house saying that she was not letting me out on a date until she had met the man I was going out with (bearing in mind I was 17 and had never been out on a date before so could sort of understand where she was coming from). The first thing she does is ask if he would like a drink (alcoholic!!!! cause my mum and step-dad were alcoholics unfortunately) and luckily he said NO!!!). So we managed to escape from the house, phrewph and he took me to a skittles match! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! It was the noisest place going, cause the two teams playing were the teams that everytime one of the blocks came on to through their hand they had a different song for and would start singing and chanting, blimey it was LOUD and we ended up having to shout at each other to make each other hear, it was sooo funny and looking back I can giggle, but at the time I was sooo nervous and felt constantly sick, but that was nearly 20 years ago now so I must have made a fairly good impression don’t you think!!! he he he

  11. OK, I hope my story doesn’t make anyone cry. My husband Chris was actually best friends with my first husband Jeremy. Jeremy and I were married right out of high school and he was a dj on the radio in the city where Chris was a cop. They hit it off and Chris and his girlfriend use to come over and hang out all the time. Jeremy and I were married 2 years when he died of a heart attack at the age of 21. I came home from work one day for lunch and Jeremy was having chest pain. At that age I didn’t even know the signs of a heart attack. I just sat there and watched him die. I’ll never forget that day- I can replay it in my head like I am still sitting in that hallway in our upstairs apartment seeing the EMTs work on my husband as he layed there dying. I was heart broken and thought my life was over. Jeremy and I had friends together but all my friends had gone off to college so Chris was there for me when I was so emotional. I felt like the other people Jeremy and I knew didn’t want me around because I was just a reminder of the friend they had lost. I could call Chris in the middle of the night and he would listen to me cry. It was 3 years after Jeremy died before Chris and I developed a “romantic” relationship. He had a difficult time with it at first because he felt like he was going out with his best friend’s wife. But we overcame all that we had been through and it really made our relationship stronger. I’m so glad we were able to get to know each other as friends before the romance began. We have been married for 9 years now and I love him more than anything. He is the light of my life and I feel like he saved me from depression and dispair. I can’t imagine my life now with anyone expect Chris. He really is my life and I love him so very much.

  12. Nancy…
    While you were out @ the bar meeting your hunny…I was in the hospital giving birth to my daughter!!! Yup…born on Friday, October 13th, 1989. How funny…
    Loving reading everyone’s stories…it’s so nice to read about “real life” romance!
    Enjoy Cinco de Mayo!!!

  13. I was a senior in high school and my sister was off at college. I
    lived in a very abusive home and was the constant beating bag for my
    father. After a pretty bad week of knocks and pounding, I decided to
    go visit my sister at college. I took the bus down to spend the
    weekend with her. She had arranged a date for me with a “local” that
    she had met, Jerry. When I got off the bus after 5 1/2 hours (for a
    147 mile-trip) I was pleased to see Sandra and a nice-looking guy
    standing there. However, they were standing there holding hands
    which made me wonder what was going on. She introduced me to
    her “new boyfriend, Jerry”. Of course my first thought was, “Geez,
    thanks, Sandra, I thought you had said that I was going to go out
    with Jerry — way to go, sis.” We stood and talked for a few minutes
    and then another boy walked up. Jerry introduced me to his brother,
    Roger, and said that he would be my date for the weekend. I later
    found out that Roger had said that he would only come over to meet me
    after he saw what I looked like. (Should have been a clue). Things
    went well, though. On Sunday I took the long ride back home on the
    bus and talked to Roger a few times on the phone. The next Fall, I
    went off to college with Sandra (who had transferred to a state
    college about 60 miles from where Roger and Jerry lived). She and
    Jerry were still together so on weekends we would head to Douglas to
    see him. Roger was going with someone else at the time, but would
    come by to say hi. After a couple of months, he asked if I’d like to
    go to the movies and of course I said yes. The next weekend Sandra
    and I were off to see the guys again and as I was putting my suitcase
    in the trunk, I saw two hot beers in there. I had NEVER drunk a beer
    in my life and she said that if you drank them real quickly through a
    straw, you would get a little buzz. (Don’t you just hate it when
    family members lie to you?) Well, I had no idea she would lie, so I
    thought, what the heck, I’ll give it a try. After all, it was 1967
    and I was a small-town gal off at college and dating a hot guy,
    right? Well, by the time we got to Douglas to meet Roger and Jerry,
    I was blitzed, snockered, and a bit past the “buzz” that Sandra
    promised for me. The next thing I knew, I woke up in the back seat
    of a car and heard a guy and a gal talking in the front seat (should
    have been a clue). When I sat up I saw Roger and some girl laughing
    and having a good time. (Should have been a clue) It was time to
    meet Sandra and Jerry so Roger and whatever her name was took me to
    meet them and he put me out. (Should have been a clue) We made it
    back to school and I wallowed in self-pity and anger for the next
    couple of weeks. Then, Roger called to apologize and said he wanted
    to come over to apologize in person. Things were back on. By the
    end of the school year, Roger had joined the Army and we thought it
    would be cool to get married. For some reason, my parents didn’t
    think that marrying before graduating from college was a good idea
    and I knew NOT to ask them (should have been a clue). They had a
    suspicion something was up so they came down for the weekend and said
    they had a surprise for me. They brought me a new car with the
    condition that Roger and I would do nothing stupid. Of course I
    agreed and the next weekend I took off to Ft. Gordon and picked up
    Roger and we went to Aiken to get married. I went back to school to
    finish the semester and didn’t tell my parents I was married. I did,
    however, transfer to a college 20 miles from my hometown (Roger
    didn’t think it would be good for me to be in Valdosta any longer
    since we were married, but he didn’t have the nerve to face mom and
    dad and tell them we were married — should have been a clue). Two
    months later, he received orders to go to Vietnam. Two weeks before
    he left, we waited till Sandra and Jerry came up (they had gotten
    married (really married) 3 weeks before R and I eloped) and we broke
    the news. Of course, all H broke loose and I was thrown out of the
    house and all that other good stuff. I was allowed to come back when
    Roger left but my dad spent 4 months of not saying one word to me —
    that is until I received notice from the Red Cross that Roger had
    been shot and was being sent back to the States. At that point, my
    dad fell in love with his war hero son-in-law. (Gosh, I should have
    shot Roger in the leg before I told mom and dad we were married,
    huh? Would have saved a lot of heartache.) Anyway, to speed things
    up, after a year in the hospital, he was sent to Ft. Hunter and I ran
    away from home to live with the man I had now been married to for a
    year. Little did I realize that I had “married my father” and spent
    the next 24 years living the same life I had lived for my first 18
    (should have been a clue). I finally grew some “kahoonahs” and
    divorced him, but I did have 3 wonderful children, so I am glad that
    I made that 5 1/2 hour bus ride. So, THAT’S how I met my EX

  14. Thank you for sharing your story and everyone else for sharing too! These are great to read and help with reflecting on our relationships.

  15. I don’t have much of a romantic or even a funny story or even a heartbreaking one of when my hubby and I first met. I enjoyed reading everyone’s stories though. I met my hubby at work. Our first date was 4th of July. We went to Estes Park to see the fireworks and before that spent the day in Rocky Mountain National Park. We had a blast. We went out for awhile, then we didn’t and then we did and then didn’t and then one day he showed up at my door and we’ve been together ever since. Here’s the romantic part and this is so much more recent:

    For the last several years my husband and I have really drifted apart. Resenting each other, watching “the count down clock to our youngest’s 18th birthday” so we could get out of this God-forsaken marriage.

    Then I went away for an intensive weekend… New Life Ministries (this is the guy who created Women of Faith) with a program called Lose it for Life. This isn’t about a weight problem (although I do have one) but more not what you’re eating but what’s eating you. I did group therapy and met 8 other women who I disliked at first and are now wonderful friends and support group. I was able to talk to my husband one night for 2 1/2 hours uninterrupted! We have 3 kids and they never need you until you pick up the phone. But that night we were able to talk. Really talk! This was such a life changing experience. I was also able to see the changes and positive progress my husband was making in his counseling sessions.

    I have always said that God has been totally faithful in putting people in my life that needed to be. That could speak into my life. That could bless it, that could love me… why didn’t I ever see my husband as being one of those people? Well, it turned out – he is!

    When I returned home from that weekend – my husband and I actually reached for each other!! OMGosh – being together was amazing! We couldn’t get enough of each other – we had to follow each other everywhere. It was really cool, that day coming home. And ever since. My husband and I totally love each other now. We are more committed to each other and our marriage then we ever have. Our children know what it’s like to have parents that are interlinked. It is AMAZING.

    Does anyone collect Willow Tree figurines? I don’t, I have one from my best friend, anyway… I was in the pharmacy the other day getting a prescription filled and I was looking around at all the cool stuff they have in there. They have lots of Willow Tree stuff in there. There is a figurine in there (I want it!) that I think is called The Promise and it’s a couple dancing together. I started to cry. It defined how I feel about him.

    That’s my story. Thanks for reading.

  16. I met my wonderful husband when I was 15 years old. My current boyfriend, Gary picked me up to go shoot some pool and his friend who was just home from his first year of college was going to tag along (maybe it was me who was tagging along?)

    When I saw DH get out of the car, I was instantly in love. He was 6 ft. 4 inches, Christian Slater look alike in cowboy boots, tight jeans and a Guns N’ Roses T-shirt. I had never seen anyone my age wearing cowboy boots(no one in our NY town even knew where to buy them)

    It was my first time playing pool, and I was terrible. I sort of played it up though, and got both the guys to help me. We had a fun night. I flirted with both guys the whole time.

    That night, when the guys dropped me off, I went into my room and wrote on my calendar the date by which I would be dating DH, June 13th. I was always a goal-oriented person, lol.

    I got a job at the local rest-stop (the only place in town to get a job) and as luck would have it, so did DH and Gary. After a while, I broke it off with Gary and proceeded to tell everyone at work all day every day that I wanted to go out with DH.

    Finally, one day, the manager of the place says to DH, “Will you just take her on a date so she will stop bothering all of us?” Of course, DH, being the gentlemen that he was did not want to date his friend’s ex-girlfriend…but I was relentless.

    I would go up to him while he was working in the snack bar and talk to him about pool. I would be there while he was refilling the vending machines and that is where I finally asked him to take me out and teach me to play pool (one of his favorite pastimes). He finally agreed!

    When he picked me up, I was very nervous. I had asked him over the phone to be my boyfriend, and he had told me that he would tell me on the date that night. I was wearing my cutest outsit and had my biggest hair. We had fun playing pool. I flirted with him, and he let me win a game of 9-ball. Then, the date was over. We walked out to his car (a 1972 Dodge Coronado–in 1990 and he says to me, “I know you asked me if I would go out with you…” long pause here…”well, I don;t know how to tell you this…” At this point, I put my head down on the hood of his car, dejected. I had given it my best try, but had failed…when…he put his hand under my head and lifted me up…and said, ” Yes.” and kissed me. We have been together ever since! Married in 1995.

  17. What sweet stories! I met my hubby at work when we worked together on a project. We had both been at that company for several years, but hadn’t crossed paths. I thought he was smart and cute, but didn’t think much past that because my father was in the hospital after a stroke.

    One Friday afternoon Gord called me at my desk with a question that really didn’t require my answer, and then asked if I had been to a baseball game (our city had recently gotten a team). For some unknown reason, I LIED and said I was supposed to go to a game that very evening, but now my friends couldn’t make it…giving Gord the chance to say that he would go with me!

    That first evening was very fun, but really gave no indication whether or not it was the start of a romance. Happily, it was, and now we’re in our 13th year together. I lost my father that summer, but found Gord.

  18. My Hubby and I were a blind date too. Our first date was Superbowl Sunday, with snow, wind, cold, typical weather in NY. We went to our local State Park and walked around for most of the afternoon and took pictures. At one point we were walking down some steps with a metal railing and he dared me to see if my tongue would stick to the metal.. Yeah, like I was going to fall for that… Anyways, after we got my tongue unstuck, just kidding, we went back to my parents house had dinner and watched the superbowl. Not terribly romantic, but we have been happily married for 15 years this year. Not bad for two people who went into the date hoping for a good friend at the very least!

  19. Oh – I missed the engagement part. This is kinda cute – well it is to me anyway.

    One day hubby and I were at my apartment and we were just hanging out. I asked him “will you do me a favor? Will take these bags of newspapers to my car so I can take them to the recycling center.” He said, “yeah, I can do that. But only if you’ll do me a favor.” Then he reached into his pocket and pulled out a little velvet box. And that’s when he proposed. I wouldn’t answer him right away either. I made him wait. We went to dinner with my sister and her boyfriend. Then when we got back we were hugging and kissin’ out on the balcony. I whispered in his ear “yes” and he let out this deep breath and whispered in my ear that he loved me… and for the first time in my life my knees went weak!

    BTW – he never did take the newspapers to my car! LMAO!

  20. Love your story Em! There was a day I could wear my husband’s blue jeans….those days long gone…LOL!

    My first job in Texas was a receptionist for a crane rental co. My hubby worked there as a crane operator. We would chat everyday at work. Not sure if this qualifies for a 1st date, but he told me about this change bucket he had and asked if I would come over and help him roll change so that he could buy a new TV! It was love afer that! In August, it will be 23 years of wedded bliss!

  21. My husband and I met at his Grandmothers funeral. Yes, a funeral. My DH and I are 4th cousins! His older sister (who is 14 years older than him) and my mother were good friends when they were growing up. Mom would take the bus to Ohio for the week from Michigan to hang at the dance halls with her cousin.

    My DH is also almost 9 years older than I am. He attended my HS graduation in June and then his Masters graduation in August!

    Anyway, I had sat next to him on one of the couches at an aunts house and I introduced myself as we had only met once when I was 2. I thought he was cute. After the funeral we all went out to dinner. The next day I put my name and address on a piece of paper and stuck it in his pocket before I left for Michigan. I waited 2 weeks and nothing. Then-you know how 18 yr. olds are, I wrote to him. That started the ball rolling! We were engaged on an Indian burial ground at Rice Lake in Ontario and married 6 months later. Now we are in our 21st year and have 2 beautiful children. My oldest is at Prom right now. My how time flies…..

  22. Hey Em and Ladies! Great stories!
    I met my DH to be in a martial arts class. I took the class for about a year and then took a break. Around the holidays a year after I left class, I felt a compulsion to go back. About a month later this guy Dave started joining us. He had taken some time off class and was just coming back too. I later found out that he was not planning on returning to class, he had the same compulsion!
    We were going to take a class trip up to Seattle for training and everyone was organizing flights and rooms etc… I bought my ticket on the web and the rest of the class bought theirs together. I was shocked when I got on the plane and found myself sitting next to Dave in a row with only 2 seats! We talked about what a funny coinsidence it was and then he pulled out the emergency procedure card and started drawing captions on the passengers. He had me in stitches! I knew him casually, and this was a great icebreaker! We talked for the rest of the flight. We had a great three days of training and in the airport going home, I asked him to an art exhibit in SanFrancisco. He said yes! Our date went so well that we took another trip to Seattle a year and a half later to be married!

  23. Wow! All of these love stories! Emily, your story was very funny except for the part that where you burned yourself. You are quite the storyteller. Ladies, I have been so touched by all of your stories. It’s funny how we meet and then marry the men that we do.
    I met my now husband a year after my then husband left me for another woman. To say that it came as a shock to me would be an understatement. It was a shock to everyone who knew us. I was quite ill at the time so life was a tad hard for awhile. But being the survivor and the fighter that I am …….life went on. Okay enough about Mudrat leaving me. 🙂 I met my now husband, Wayne through the internet. I was a computer programmer and a few of my co-workers thought it would be a good idea for me to start dating again. I dated a few men from the company that I worked for but no sparks KWIM? Anyway, my husband was also looking for someone to date and decided to search for that special someone on-line. He works for GE and is a Designer for them so he works at a computer all night. 🙂 We e-mailed one another for about a month before deciding to meet. We met at Chili’s Restaurant because I felt that would be a good public place. After all he could have been an ax murderer. As soon as I saw him all I could think was…………….what an adorable baby face he has. He was quite shy so I was miss Chatty Kathy. Okay more like motor mouth. I was, after all quite nervous meeting him. When I get nervous I talk a mile a minute. Ha-ha. After we talked for awhile at Chilies’ we decided to go to a movie. We saw Chain Reaction.That was 11 years ago. We dated for one year and then got married. We will be married 10 years this fall. When I married him I also took on the responsibility of helping him raise his 3 children ages 12, 14 and 16. Wowzer! There is lots more to the story of our meeting but I think I have written too much so I will stop now. But wait! One last thing. Mudman married the woman he left me for and was left by her a year later. Eleven years later Wayne and I are still very much in love and still very happy. Funny how life turns out.:)


  24. Ok so I can’t share my first date story mmmkay? cuz it is not rated PG, heck its not even rated R…so I’ll tell you my engagement story instead…

    6 months after the first date that I can’t share with you, my wonderful boyfriend and I were headed to Gatlinburg Tennessee with his cousin for the weekend to watch truck and tractor pulls (we are from a small town, some people get into this stuff lol) so we get down to our beautiful chalet in the woods and his cousin takes off to go check on the tractor pull stuff and we’re sitting on our balcony overlooking the mountains when my fabulous-o boyfriend pops the question, but he doesn’t just get down on one knee and do it…well he does but when I say yes, he says good let’s go inside…

    He had purchased me a gorgeous dress, flowers for my hair, shoes, lingerie the works…not only did it all fit he had scheduled an appt w/ a priest to come to our chalet and marry us THAT WEEKEND. We had both been married before and he knew I didn’t want to go through the whole shebang again (presumptuous? well maybe not so much if you would have heard the first date story eh?) Anyway it was the most romantic thing evah…we’ll be celebrating 4 years in a few weeks (june 13…did I mention it was FRIDAY the 13th??) So 4 years and 2 kids later he’s still my best friend who knows just what to buy me and how to do it! Presentation IS everything!

  25. I was 20 and at family church camp (sans family). I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 2 years about a month earlier and was just getting back into the single swing of things. I was hanging out in the college/teen boys cabin and the boys were giving me a hard time about being a girl. (I was the only girl “visiting”) This one guy in particular (very cute) was saying stuff about how weak and helpless girls were (not so cute)so I said “let’s step outside and I’ll show you how weak girls are” so we did and I puched him in the mouth. He didn’t even see it coming. A little while later that night he asked me out on a date. I wasn’t sure I was interested in the chauvenist, but I felt bad for puching him -so I said OK. After that we were inseperable, got engaged 4 months later, married a year after that and have now been married 12+ years and 6 kids later!! So that wasn’t really our first date but it was how we ended up together!!


  26. I met my dh in high school our junior year in English class….I thought he was just the sweetest….he’d always say how he had his mom and sister proof read his papers or something. I liked the way he talked about the women in his life—I certainly NEVER thought he’d be interested in me. I was dating a “college guy” and none of the boys in my grade ever asked me out…..

    Anyway, a mutual friend of ours helped us get together and we dated for our senior year and first year and a half of college–all splattered with the make up break up of teen agers.

    When we split up the for the last time, he was in college and I had a job as a nanny. That’s where the story ends…I thought…..

    Every year, he’d find me at what ever college I was at or whatever and call me to see how I was doing–I’d always wonder why he called and what it meant. After I finished graduate school, the best job offer I got came from near my hometown. So, I moved the 300 miles from school back to my parents where I would live until I found an apartment. The first night I was home, I went out with a friend of mine and who did we run into but my now dh. He was home visiting his parents and high school friends AND on a blind date. He ended up ditching the blind date and going to a dance club with me and my friend. Later that night my friend told me she could tell he was interested in me and I told her I thought she was nuts.

    I called him once after that night, but never heard from him until a year later–actually, I had a dream about him and ended up calling him. We chatted, he came to a house warming party I had and then would periodically stop by my house when ever he was in town. I enjoyed seeing him and talking with him, but it was never romantic and he never asked me out–and I never really wanted him to. I figured we had already done all that and it didnt work so we would just be friends.

    About 6 months later, we ended up going to hear a band that his college room mate played in and out for dinner. Later I found out he considered it a date, but I really had NO idea at the time. The next night was New Years Eve and I was spending it with some church friends and asked him to join us. He finally showed up at about 10pm and by 11pm all my friends (it was a family with younger kids) were ready for bed so, he and I went to a corner bar to shoot some pool.

    We had a great time, but I never imagined how the night would turn out. At about 4am, we were going our separate ways (we lived about 100 miles apart) and he asked me if I was interested in dating him again….then, he asked if he could kiss me….it was like the very first kiss we had ever shared…soft and innocent and yummy! We were engaged that September, married the next April and just celebrated 10years with our 4 kiddies……..kisses….gonna go find that man…..

  27. I have the ultimate 80’s story….I met my now DH at the MALL!! He was a security guard (I was a sucker for the polyester uniform!) and I worked at one of the stores. We started dating 2 weeks after we met, got engaged one year later and have now been married almost 16 years! The funniest part was that my mom said she *knew* DH was the one I would marry after our first date. Boy, mom sure was right!!

  28. I’ve got a funny how-we-met story….

    I was in my junior year of college and living off campus in an apartment on the first floor. 3 or 4 guys lived in the apartment directly above us but we didn’t know them; we just saw them out on their balcony doing homework a lot. One night my roommate Jenn decides to throw a party, and since I was pretty much the only one who didn’t drink (and didn’t want to) I left to go grab some Cokes from the store. When I came back, the party was already started and some guy was standing at the door…He opened the door for me since I was carrying all the Cokes and said “Hi, I’m Lee. I live upstairs.” I said “Hi, I’m Christy. I live here.” but he already knew that part from seeing me come in and out of the apartment while he was on his balcony! He and one of his roommates had gotten locked out of his apartment when a third roommate left while they were out running.

    Turns out that DH and I were the only ones who weren’t trying to get schnockered, so we spent most of the evening talking. The next night my roommate invited DH and his roommate back for dinner, but roommate couldn’t come, so it was just me and Lee and Jenn. After dinner (she made calzones! The only time she ever made calzones!) Jenn made up some excuse to leave and didn’t come back till the next morning…DH and I stayed up till 4 in the morning talking. The rest is history…I figured out he was The One when I’d had a bad day and came home to find all these little pieces of paper all over my room with messages on them from DH, things that he loved about me 🙂 We’ve been married 3 1/2 years and moved from Texas to Florida to North Carolina. That’s the military for ya!

  29. My hubby and I met many many moons ago in 1986 in Citywide Elementary School Band. All the schools auditioned and the top musicians throughout the city were selected to be in the band. Here’s the funniest part, his mom was the conductor that very same year! Who knew? Well, if you ask my hubby, he’ll say he knew right then that I was the one for him; Mullett and all. (Oh the 80s were rough.) So we didn’t really date then, but that’s how we met. We continued to play in the honor bands together into high school. That’s when his mother became my high school band director. So for the next four years he would come and play with our band. (Still no dating.) We graduated and he went off to the East Coast to study music at two very prestigious schools. We still kept in touch through a mutual friend. After all his studies he came back to the state and became a band director at a local high school. Our mutual friend had since found love and we all were supposed to go out on a *double date* of sorts. Well things kept happening, and we kept having to reschedule. (He was also a big chicken and wouldn’t ask me out on a date alone.) So finally June 2, 2004 I told him we were going out without them, and to meet me at the restaurant. (Had to take charge or who knows what would have happened? He He He.) So we spent our first date at a little Mexican restaurant, followed by a trip to Applebee’s for dessert, and then to Sonic chatting in the car until 2 in the morning sipping limeades and catching up. Needless to say, the rest is history. We haven’t been apart since. He proposed August 4th that very same year and we were married June 4, 2005. We are getting ready to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary in a little less than a month, but it seems like we’ve been together forever. I just love that man!!

  30. Wow, our first date–seems like an eternity ago, yet only yesterday. Let’s see. . .I was a freshman and he a sophomore at the US Air Force Academy. It was the weekend before Valentine’s Day and I was in the cadet flower shop ordering flowers to send to my mom. There was this guy there ordering a bunch of flowers, and I remember thinking “Wow! His girlfriend sure is lucky–that’s a ton of flowers!” I didn’t know it, but some of the flowers were for his mom, and the rest were corsages for him and 3 of his buddies to give to their dates for a dance. He spoke to me, and he was just so. . .nice. He had this twinkle in his eye, and seemed so genuine.

    Well, I didn’t see him for awhile, until he showed up one day to help with sets for the drama group’s production. They needed him to design and paint sets, and I just happened to be helping at the time (making papier mache bushes, of all things). He walked into the theater, and my heart skipped a beat. He recognized me from the flower shop, and over the course of the next several weeks, we developed an amazing friendship. When my grandfather passed away shortly thereafter, he was the one who helped me take care of the arrangements to leave for the funeral. He wrote me the most amazing letter to open on the plane, and I was stunned by his honesty and the depth of his feelings. I knew then that this was the ONE.

    Our first date happened after I finished my freshman year. We drove to Denver (acutally, I drove because he couldn’t drive stick shift then!) for dinner and sat talking for hours. When we returned to the Academy, he drove me to a spot overlooking the football field where we watched the sunrise while listening to Alphaville’s song “Forever Young.” It was simply amazing.

    That was 1988. We’ve been married nearly 16 years, have 4 amazing kids, and I still get butterflies when I think of how our relationship started. And I have the song “Forever Young” as the ringer on my cell phone when he calls. . .

  31. Oh, I’m getting all “drippy” (my term for crying) reading all these stories. Wonderful stuff.

    I’ll try to keep my story brief.

    I met my “boo” when I worked in a dental office. His sister was a patient and he brought her in for an appointment to which she could not drive home from, hence he being her chauffeur.

    To make a very long story (on how he eventually asked me out) short our first date was to dinner, our second date was to a movie; “Dead Man Walking” staring Susan Sarandon & Sean Penn. The title of this movie really will hit home with the second phase of my story; so keep the title in mind.

    We dated for two years before he asked me to marry him.

    We had always spoke of how neat it would be to go up in a hot air balloon. So one Monday afternoon I was at work and he called to see if I had any plans that evening, I said I hadn’t, and he said, “well it is such a nice day I thought we could have dinner at an outdoor patio in Gatineau”. “Sounds great” I said.

    So he picked me up after work and we drove to our favorite restaurant which happens to be across from a large park. When we arrived there was a man inflating a hot air balloon in the park. Joe said to me “Hey, lets go check this out”

    After speaking with the gentleman for a few minutes he said that we could take a ride with him if we wanted. I was thrilled!
    In we get. Now, unbeknownst to me, Joe had arranged all this “coincidence, hot air balloon, in park across from restaurant thing”….he was planning to ask me to marry him!!!!

    We were enjoying the ride, the views were amazing, the weather perfect and he pulls out the ring….I was shocked! He asked, I answered yes! Then the balloon operator said “Well guys, until death do you part…..look down” We looked down, and at that moment we were flying over a massive grave yard!!!
    Joe immediately said….”Yup, dead man walking”. We all laughed. It wasn’t until later that evening when we recalled the title of the first movie we saw together…. We laughed even harder when we recalled what he said in the balloon “Yup, dead man walking”

    Ten years later, it is still a phrased used often in our house, when he knows he is in trouble for something!

  32. Em, great idea to have us all remember the time when we met our hubbys!! Brings the sistahs closer…
    So this one takes the cake in the longest crush ever… I met my husband when I was 10 years old… YES 10!! he was 12, our moms got together once a week to play cards and stuff, and left all the kids to play every afternoon. It was really fun. So I saw him once a week for about 4 years, needless to say, we developed a huge crush for eachother by the time I was 13 he gave me my first kiss EVER… A couple of months after that his father got a job in another town and he moved away… My mom and his stayed in touch so somehow I kept him in the back of my mind…
    FF 7 years I was dating this guy in college, and he was sweet and all but I knew it wouldn’t amount to anything. We broke up about 2 weeks before spring break and since I was so “heartbroken” (*winks) my parents let me go on a trip with my friends to a beach close by. My mom drove up to check on my friends and I, with a friend of hers aaaaaaaand my now husband, my sister in law and my mother in law!!
    Needless to say, we were unseparable for the rest of the weekend, but I thought it like a “spring break fling” thingie… 2 weeks went by and then his grandma passed away, so naturally mom and I went to the funeral home to pay our respects, and were inseparable once again… We dated for 6 years and then got married 2 years ago in September… So I’m kinda still in the middle of the honeymoon phase!!! AAAAAAAAWH!

  33. this is fun!
    I emailed someone from a ‘personal ad’ on a website my friend sent me. Not sure why, I just did! Well, I found out the ‘personal ad’ was a joke, he was single but not looking for someone! Much to his surprise!! He emailed me back hours later & the next day asked if he could call me! It was his dime since I was in CA & he was in TX – much to BOTH of our surprise when we talked & laughed for 5 hours!! We had a long distance friendship/romance while we made plans to meet. 2 weeks after talking on the phone & communicating via email, he asked me to marry him! By this time we both saw pictures of one another *smile* We prayed about it & talked about it & of course I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him for some odd reason! Just kidding. I knew God divinely put us together & we both had a peace about it. So after chatting for 3 1/2 months I flew out to TX to visit him (stayed with his mom & stepdad). Oh – I kissed him first – after being together for a few hours, needed to get THAT out of the way! I was planning to stay for a visit for 10 days. He officially proposed the 2nd day I was here and on the 3rd day I told him I didn’t want to leave. The next day I told him we should get married before I left. He couldn’t believe it! (we had made tentative plans to get married in CA). So we put together a wedding at his grandparents house in their lovely garden 2 days before I left! It was beautiful, I have to say the best wedding I’ve been to! The birds were singing, I was wearing my favorite sundress (it was 8:30 Sunday morning July 6th) I walked down the porch to my favorite Stevie Wonder song, A Ribbon in the Sky, I had a beautiful handmade bouquet with roses from Tyler TX, we had a yummy homemade cake with roses on it and best of all, John’s grandfather officiated (he is a retired Methodist minister). It was hard leaving 2 days later but I did – to tell my sisters & rest of the family what I did in Texas!! 2 weeks later he came to get me (we had a party for my friends & family to meet him) and we drove my car to TX with my belongings! That was a fun trip & it’s hardly over – we’re celebrating 10 years this year & it’s always an adventure with us!!!

  34. LOL Emily! Let’s just say it had been 18 months since I’d even had a MWAH! 😉 I knew he was shy so I’d have to play the aggresive one and I always…always get what I want from him 😉 even back then LOL…

    He had an emergency arise and asked to postpone our date to the next day…I wasn’t having it though, so when he got home at midnight and called to tell me everything was ok I went over to “talk”

    Hmmm…I think they made a movie about something like this…maybe…BOOTY CALL??? Only it was for me and not for him…

    We laugh because we’ll never be able to tell our kids the story of our first date, at least not until they are WAY WAY past the first date stage, don’t want them getting any ideas…

  35. I love reading your blog and almost never post but I couldn’t resist reading all these stories and then sharing mine.

    I was divorced with three kids and convinced no one would want to take on that load! I mean the kids were little and had years of more growing up to do.

    So a friend finally persuaded me to go on one of those online dating/ get-to-know-you sites and this one guy and I corresponded for about two months before I agreed to meet him in person. We agreed to meet at a local restaurant and neither of us really knew what the other looked like.

    So I walk into the restaurant glancing around to find the Mr. Average that I was expecting and instead Mr GORGEOUS stands up and says my name. My lil’ ol’ jaw just dropped to the ground when I realized HE was my DATE!!!! Woo hoo!

    But then, sadly, as soon as he found out it was me he took off like a shot after the waittress, almost running her down. I figured that one glance at me was all it took to make this the fastest date ever. 🙂 Turned out she had found out this was a first date and was saving a special table for him and he didn’t want to lose it so he was chasing her down to let her know I’d arrived. 🙂

    My DH loves me to tell that story especially the part about him being so yummy looking. But I usually leave that part out to help preserve his ego intact.

  36. I met my (now) DH on a website called which I think has since merged into I was the first to contact him with an email that stated “The blue moose flies at midnight.” just to get his attention. He renewed his membership (paid $$) just to read my email. We started chatting on the phone and then decided to meet 2 days after valentine’s day at a local free art museum. I was late, he wasn’t! We ended up on the date that would never end, it lasted 12 hours. We went to so many places, we were at the art museum, a mexican restaurant, his friend’s house, Best Buy, a coffee shop, and at last sat in his truck talking by the side of the lake until almost 2 AM. We never left the truck because it was really cold outside (MN in February you know). I never took my seatbelt off! LOL! When he dropped me off, he gave me this massive passionate kiss and looked at me with these eyes that said they wanted to do that again and more. But we said our goodbyes and that was our first date, the longest date I had ever had. And we’ve been together ever since. That was over five years ago and we’ve been married almost 2 years now.

  37. Well, here is my story.
    I was starting a new job in BOSTON of all places… I am from a little town in Indiana and had never been to a big CITY before and low and behold if I didn’t have to move to Boston, MA. I was so lost in the city and hated it so much. One weekend I thought I would drive to Maine to the outlet shops just to get away from downtown Boston. I walked into LLBEAN and was going to buy my Dad a coat for Christmas when I saw this amazing man trying on boots. I was looking at him and he looked up before I could look away and smiled so I walked over and said do you mind trying this coat on for me as I want to get my Dad a coat. He was so sweet and tried on the coat fit perfect so I start to walk away when he says hey do you want to go get a cup of coffee??????? OH my gosh yes…. Well, the next day we are in New Hampshire white mountains drinking cocoa at the lodge and we have never been sperated since. Here is the funny part…. He wanted to come home with me at Christmas to meet my parents so without thinking I said sure…… When he met my Dad he looked at me and said…. the coat you bought will never fit your dad ( think big teddy bear kinda dad) I had to laugh and tell him that I took the coat back and bought a different coat that I only did what I did to meet him…. That is our funny story and each year he will tell my Dad that if it were not for him we would never have met. Gosh, I am so lucky it will be ten years on June 28th.
    Love reading everyone’s stories.

  38. I was living in Florida at the time, working at the Magic Kingdom, driving
    the big steam train around the park, loving my job, but in the midst of a
    very bad divorce with my ex. In my free time I liked to play an online kids
    game that my kids had gotten me hooked on, “Toontown”. Well, lots of adults play on there as well. I had met this couple on there about a week before, Glen and Dawn. They had invited me to do a boss battle with them for one of thier major jumps, and in that group was my hunny. I did not know him at the time, but the following weekend I was playing with Dawn and we needed to run a mint (part of the game) and so she called Larry to run with us. We were not friends at the time, but I kept doing what is called “speed chatting” with him (certain phrases you can say), well I was making him laugh. Dawn told me that he and I should be friends as we both had the same personality (loved to make jokes). After the mint she gave me a code so I could be friends with him. We started talking that night. The next day I was off of work so he and I hung out together all day, just talking and chatting. I was scheduled to go and see another friend from the game that had gotten close to me. Larry was worried about me and said that if I needed anything while up there to call him. I thought he was such a sweetie, we were just friends at the time, but we talked about everything. The next morning when I told my other friend about hanging out with Larry he freaked out on me, got totally jealous of nothing but innocent talk. I had pretty much known before this that he was a jealous individual, but he flew off the handle. I still went on my trip just to be sure that things were really as I thought they were, and they I broke it off with his guy when I got back to Florida, but continued to talk to Larry as friends.

    We decided I would come visit him and his grandson he was raising, just as
    friends, by this time we were talking for 5-6 hours a day on the phone, on
    webcam, or on the game. Well, about a week before I was scheduled to visit him he heard some of the things my ex was saying to me and the kids, and he offered us a safe place to come and live, no strings attached. After much thought I decided that I knew and trusted Larry more then I had ever known anyone else. I also heard from many people about him and what a great guy he was and such. At this point we were still friends, but I knew it could develop into more quickly if I let it. He also expressed the same feelings. So we made arrangments for him to come to Florida to get me and the 3 kids.

    He worked all day (he gets up for work at 3:30 am), then left from work, came home packed up him and Alex, then drove the 15 hours to Florida. He got a U-Haul and helped pack us up, and we turned around and left, got about 3 hours away before he finally had to stop and get some sleep. So he had been up since 3:30 am the day before and it was now 36 hours later, but he had been up the whole time, helping me, being so nice to the kids and was an amazing person. I knew I loved him, and he had told me the
    Now, realize we had NEVER met in person until he came to Florida to get me, what a! But it worked out great, he was/is just as he portrayed himself. He is a deeply commited man and we were married 1 year from the day we met. It was so romantic, we got married on our back deck of our house, including all 4 of the children in our wedding, just as they are in our lives. He has stepped in and been a wonderful father to my 3 kids, and that is not always easy seeing as 2 of my kids are teenagers! He is a wonderful and amazing man that spoils me rotten. He is truly my best friend. I knew this before I even met him that we were soul mates and that it was divine intervention that we met.
    The song we walked into at our wedding certainly fit us, it is by Savage
    Garden and the title is, “I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You.” It fits us
    perfectly. Of course everyone at our wedding laughed at our recessional
    song, it was, “Who Let the Dogs Out?”. Totally us!! LOL! We are coming up
    on our 1 year anniversary this year on August 24th. All 3 of my children
    have asked him to adopt them, and his grandson calls us, “Mom and Dad”,
    which is awesome as Alex has never had a real mother before (Larry got him when he was 2 years old).

    This is not to say that we don’t struggle day to day to be the best parents
    we can, but at the end of the day we both know that we can do this and make it work because of our deep love for each other.

    Thanks for letting me babble!

  39. Oh boy, mine isn’t that exciting but . . . My DH and I met through mutual friends. He was living in CT at the time but his family was still here in Maine. Memorial Day weekend he came for a visit and visited our mutual friends (who had asked me earlier if I would mind meeting him). They had us both over late afternoon just to meet and maybe go for a walk. Most of the time when I was there he was playing with my friends small children – which was a nice thing to see. Then we took a drive to Cascade Falls – a nice little water fall with a walking path along the side of it. As we walked my friend and I spotted some Lady’s Slippers – pretty flowers I think in the orchid family that are protected here in Maine (you are not allowed to pick them, I think it’s a crime or something). Well, we decided to dig a few up and take them home to replant them. To this day, we always laugh about our first meeting when my friend and I broke the law picking flowers!

    When getting ready to leave he said he was coming back for 4th of July and that I’d probably see/hear from him then. He asked that I give my email address to our friends and they’d forward it to him so he could contact me – which I did. Well, I NEVER heard from him! I was a bit miffed but no big deal, after all, we had just met and it wasn’t love at first sight or anything. He moved back to ME in October of that year and in December we had our first “real” date, a walk on the beach one Sunday afternoon. I had 2 dogs at the time and he thought it would be a great idea to bring them along. He took Farley, my big, stupid mixed-breed dog (dalmatian and terrier?? or something like that). Boy was he sorry, Farley pulled a lot and Jeff is not a dog person – he had a hard time controlling him – it was kinda funny! 🙂

    We were married in August of the next year and I finally found out what happened after our first meeting. After I gave our friends my email, Craig (who grew up with Jeff) sent him my email in an email entitled “Do I hear wedding bells??” Well, Jeff totally freaked out – who wouldn’t?? We had just met and Craig was only teasing but it freaked him out enough that he never contacted me until 6-7 months later! 🙂 Oh well, it all worked out and we’ve never told our friends how they almost ruined our meeting – they like to talk about how they brought us together! 🙂 LOL!!

  40. When I first met my hubby at a Friday-night, outdoor party, I was wearing a ahuge, oversized sweatshirt, worn off make-up (applied that morning) and a hairdo that had been blown around by a speed boat ride. Needless to say, I wasn’t looking pretty. We’d hit it off and he asked me out for that Sunday. I figured a lunch date was safe.

    When Sunday arrived, I wore a crop top and skinny pants because I needed to recover from the potato sack and Einstein hair look I had going at our first encounter and I wanted to make a good second impression.

    I sat on the front step of my townhouse and waited for him to arrive. Hubby later admitted to me that he was super relieved when he saw me sitting on the porch because he couldn’t remember what I looked like (beer goggles!?). He said he knew I was funny and that he enjoyed chatting, but couldn’t really get a mental picture. And I was worried about the Einstein hair… he couldn’t even remember it.

    Anyhow, When he arrived, I heard the loudest car roaring into the parking lot. It seemed his muffler had fallen off the day before and he hadn’t a chance to have it repaired. He was driving a V8 Camaro, which was already way to loud… now imagine it without a muffler.

    Anyhow, he was kind of quirky and not overly impressive, but he WAS cute and there was just something I really liked about him that I couldn’t put my finger on. Maybe it was the fact that he was not trying to impress me too much… just a genuine guy. It was only after a few dates I realized he was something different from the frogs I’d already kissed.

    Anyhow, we’ll be married 9 years this year and I am SO glad I didn’t write him off. And he still has the Camaro… it just sits in the driveway for occasional use.

  41. Wow, I felt like I was reading the story of my life!! My husband and I will also turn 35 this year (both in June)…and we met on a blind date 15 years ago. I knew by the end of the date that he was the one! I even told the people I worked with that I was gonna marry that boy! I think most people thought I was nuts…and I was, about him!

    We met on a blind date 15 years ago. I was a half an hour late because I was trying to find the phone number of the person who set us up to cancel the date. No luck. When I showed up at the house we backed out of the drive way and had to go back because he forgot his glasses and wallet. Little did I know we’d be doing that routine for the next few years (not anymore since I trained him well! LOL!)!

    We got married 6 months later (I know, very quick) and started our family 9 years later. We now have three children, 6 mos., 2 yrs., & 4 yrs. He is the love of my life!

    Just had to share since our stories are so similar! Hugs!

  42. I met my DH at church. It was my first Sunday back after a two-year hiatus because I’d moved out of town. Apparently he joined right after I left. Anyway, I saw this cute single-looking guy and decided to introduce myself. See, I’d been the secretary there a few years before that and to this day feel the need to introduce myself to someone I don’t know because, well, everyone else knows me. Anyway! So I went to work the next day and told my friend Caroline “Oh my gosh! I met the CUTEST guy at church yesterday!” She looked at me like I was nuts and said “yeah, but don’t you have a date with Eddie tonight?” I was like “Oh yeah!” and forget out it until the next Sunday when I saw Gregg again. We kept moving closer in the pews…. I was a back-sitter he was a front sitter. We met in the middle one Sunday, exchanged e-mails and being hanging out as “just friends”. The first night we hung out together, he announed to me he was NEVER getting married again (two bad marriages – 1 to a complete psycho! – really put him off. I was averse to marriage too because I’d been divorced for almost 4 years and wasn’t interested in anything more. Well, apparently God had more in store for us because we start “officially” dating three months after our first dinner and got married 5 months after that… 10 months from our first introduction in the narthex and church to Holy Matrimony on a Sunday during worship (we got married between the offering and communion). He’s the best step-dad to my kids and an amazing husband. Any man that can put up with my stamping addiction must be fantastic, though! 🙂

  43. Here’s my story:

    First of all, I’m newly engaged. My fiance and I are getting married-ready for this?!-exactly one year from tomorrow (May 10, 2008)! YEAH!!! Anywho…on to how we met!

    So, I was in many bad, BAAAAD relationships. I was engaged once before to an abusive guy who really gave me no choice but to be engaged to him, and constantly told me how unattractive and overweight (um, yeah, 115 lbs/5’4”) I was, etc. I went from him to the guy who didn’t care what I did…and in turn didn’t care what he did, either, and left me for a girl he was seeing on the side. It just kept getting better from there, but I’ll spare you all the fun stories (saving it for the book I’ll publish one of these days!).
    So, about 2 years ago, I was on summer vaca. and watching the Today show and enjoying my coffee and leisure on a day off, and they had this person on saying how Boston was named the best city for singles to meet someone. Now, I live outside of Boston, and went into the city often, and I COMPLETELY disagreed with what they said. Every guy that I seemed to meet in the city was just looking for a one night stand or a non-committal relationship. I was VERY frustrated by it, and was on the computer doing some things, so I decided to get my thoughts out. I posted a whole “dissertation” on Craigslist (why, I don’t even know!) about how wrong this was, and how I felt, etc. WELL…the responses I got were…well, crazy! I had so many offers for dates (we’re talking hundreds of e-mails, yes really hundreds-no exagerration!), men wanting to meet me, etc. I was overwhelmed…I had gone on for a brief stint and was totally turned off by online dating, so this was not what I had intended to happen. I decided to try a few dates with the guys who seemed not so shady…well, three dates, and I decided that I was right in the first place-the internet isn’t a place to meet someone. So I was officially “done” when along came another e-mail. This guy didn’t seem so bad, so I decided to give him a chance. We began e-mailing back and forth. For about a week and a half we chatted, exchanged numbers, began talking, and then he asked me out. So, we met for dinner, and closed the restaurant! Needless to say, we’ve been inseparable since! It’s so funny, I would have never planned to meet a guy online, had terrible luck when I tried it, but then my Matty just sort of came into my life, and we are SOOOO perfect for each other. He has accepted me-my crazy family (hey-we put the “fun” in dysfunctional!), all of my faults (aside from a rubbah addiction, there are many others!), and embraced them. He has taught me soooo much, about loving myself and others. And, ever since I met him, I have felt “complete”. We knew we wanted to marry each other within the first 6 months…we waited, of course, until the time was right to get engaged and start planning this whole thing. He did everything right-asked my parents permission, surprised me and whisked me away for a romantic weekend in NYC. Proposed at Tavern on the Green in Central Park. It was sooo wonderful! (I’ve been having fun scrapping it, too! 🙂 ). I just can’t believe that a frustrated rant on the internet about dating and the dating world and what it’s come to led me to the many I am going to marry. We both say all the time how weird it is how we met…slightly embarrasing…and not at all common (although, increasingly common these days). We prefer to tell people that we met through friends (our friend, “Craig”!), but most of our close friends and family know the real deal. It’s just amazing how life sometimes smiles on you, and I know that we were meant to be. He is my guardian angel, my best friend, and my other half all rolled into one. I am a lucky woman, and so happy to have him! 🙂

    Thanks for letting us share these stories, Em! There are some doozies that people have posted-I am so touched by all of them! What a nice diversion on the blog! 🙂

  44. Wll–my story isn’t as exciting as most of you, but it is mine and I love it. I had been divorced for a while before I went on the ‘hunt’ (LOL). I decided that sinec I lived in such a small town and new most of the single men ( and didn’t want them) that I would look on the internet. I signed up with Yahoo Personals, and met a few people. Didn’t really click with them, but didn’t give up my search either. There was, however, one profile that I just kept going back to. He lived about 6 hours away from me, and had kids, which is why I didn’t select him. I was just about to give up on my search, when I decided to give him a chance. I sent him an email, and we hit it off right away. We did tons of chatting on line before we got to meet IRL.

    We met at DQ–I’ll never be able to drive by the place without thinking of our first meeting. He was, and still is, the match for me. He spent some time with me during the summer at the lake, and met my boys. They hit it off, which is one of the best things for me.

    What touches me the most about my hunny, is that he has been with me through thick and thin. Not many people know it, but I was stalked by my ex and suffered through days of domestic violence. My hunny was also a target too–just because he was with me. Even when all the tires on his truck were slashed and he received tons of anonymous phone calls, he stuck by me. Most guys would have run for the hills, but not my darling. He stuck by me.

    Love him tons for that. That’s my story. Janet

  45. It may be too late for my story, but hear it goes…

    On the day I met my hubby (11 years ago, wow) he gave me the sweetest (yet funniest) pick-up line. A beautiful blonde, tall bella walked by, and all three of his guy friends’ heads turned. One guy stated the obvious about this girl’s hottness, but my hubby replies,”I prefer the small, dark, type”. His sincerity made me smile, and his boldness caught me off gaurd. It would have served him well to leave it at that, but instead he added,”you know, petite, so I can feel a little superior.” I was laughing and he was blushing.


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